PROCURA SPECIALE Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 7Please upload a copy of your English power of attorney, instructions from Italy and property data here: Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. You may upload up to 10 files at a time.NextImportant: Where will this Procura be used? *Please choose region and dialect in Italy:Lombardy (Lombardia) Dialect: LombardSicily (Sicilia) Dialect: SicilianTuscany (Toscana) Dialect: TuscanVeneto Dialect: VenetianCampania Dialect: NeapolitanPiedmont (Piemonte) Dialect: PiedmonteseCalabria Dialect: CalabreseApulia (Puglia) Dialect: ApulianRegardless of property location. Please specify if the Notary (attorney) in Italy has an office address in a different region. NextWhat e-mail address are you using o the Apostille application? *What is the last name on the Apostille application? *NextNew York State allows a single principle per Power of Attorney. I there are mltiple property owners they require their own translation and seperate form. *Yes I understand. I will upload a seperate POA to teransalte for each owner that is conveying power to the agents in the Procura.Please enter the full legal name of the property owner: *Unlike a POA in New York, Italy requires this. What is the date of birth for the property owner? *What is the birthplace (city, state, country) of each property owner?Where is the current residence (address) of each property owner?Does the property owner hold dual citizenship? If yes, please specify the countries: *Please provide the Tax Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) for property owner: *If unavailable, explain why and provide the US social security number.Please enter the passport number, country of issuance, and expiration date for property owner: *What is the full address of the property in Italy? *If you have the GPS coordinates, please list everything you have even if it wasn’t listed on the English version of the POA.NextDescribe the specific powers you wish to grant to your agent (e.g., selling property, managing property affairs):Are there any specific limitations or exclusions to the powers you are granting?For how long should this Power of Attorney be valid? Please specify the start and end date, or indicate if it should be valid indefinitely until revoked.NextFIRST AGENT: Please provide the full legal name, date of birth, and contact details for the first person you are granting Power of Attorney to (agent number 1): *Legal name: Date of birth: Address: Birthplace: Passport number, issuing country and expiration date: Either their social secuirty or codice fiscale SECOND AGENT: Please provide the full legal name, date of birth, and contact details for the second person you are granting Power of Attorney to (agent number 2): *Legal name: Date of birth: Address: Birthplace: Passport number, issuing country and expiration date: Either their social secuirty or codice fiscale NextEmailClick to send. We'll match this data to your New York State version.