UAE Attestation Service in New York

Apostille or Attestation for UAE: What You Need to Know

We frequently receive requests for Apostille services for the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Our first response is usually, “Are you sure?” The reason for this is simple: the UAE is not a signatory to the Hague Convention on Apostilles, which means their standard procedure is different. However, there are instances where businesses or educational institutions, familiar with the U.S. process, will specifically request an Apostille or Authentication on documents. We’ve accommodated these requests, particularly for schools and companies aware of the complexities and costs associated with UAE Attestation services through the UAE Embassy or Consulate. That cost? A hefty $544.59 per document.

PHOTO: Hand Delivery to the UAE Consulate

When using our UAE Attestation service, one of the first things you should know is that all documents are hand-delivered to the UAE Consulate, located on the 7th floor at 305 East 47th Street in New York City. We take pride in our meticulous process—every step is documented, and photos of the transaction are sent to our clients for their records.

If you’re considering using our UAE Attestation service, here are some crucial points you need to know, in addition to our standard procedures and pricing guidelines:

  1. No Same-Day Service: Unlike our usual Apostille services, same-day processing is not available for UAE Attestation. The UAE Consulate simply does not process documents within a day—or even the next day. They typically quote a three-day turnaround, but even that can be unpredictable. At White Plains Apostille & Mobile Notary, we ensure that your documents are delivered by hand, avoiding any risk of delays or lost items.

PHOTO: Bank Check Submission

Another essential aspect of this service is payment. The UAE Consulate charges $544.59 for each set of documents requiring Attestation. This fee is typically paid by a bank check, which can be supplied either by you or by us. We hand-submit the payment along with your documents, ensuring nothing is left to chance.

  1. High Costs: As mentioned, the UAE Consulate charges $544.59 per set of documents, such as a Power of Attorney and passport authentication, that can be combined into one “Authentication.” This means fees can nearly double if you have separate sets, potentially reaching close to $1,100. While the Consulate’s website may state that credit cards are accepted, our experience has shown that a bank check is the most reliable form of payment (4 out of 5 credit card attempts result in declined transactions and the 5th usually boots you out of the website). Be prepared for the fees to add up quickly if you’re submitting multiple sets of documents, far beyond what’s quoted on our standard rate cards.

PHOTO: Front Reception Window at the Consulate

Our expediters often face challenges, such as arriving at the Consulate only to find the all-too-common sign at the front reception window on the 7th floor stating, “They’ll be right back.” When this happens, our expediters don’t just wait around—we persistently try until we successfully submit your documents. This persistence ensures that your documents are handled correctly, with no missing items.

PHOTO: The Attestation Hologram

Finally, after the rigorous process, what does the $544.59 fee actually buy? One of the coolest looking Attestation hologram stamps of any of the 30+ Consulates we work with! We’re not kidding.

Important Questions to Ask Before Submitting Documents for UAE:

  • Check with the Recipient: If the documents are not being directly submitted to a government entity, ask if they would accept a Hague Convention-approved New York State Authentication or Apostille instead.
  • Consolidate Documents: The UAE charges fees for each separate document requiring Authentication or Apostille. Ask if any documents can be combined to minimize costs.

If you have specific instructions from a business based in the UAE, share them with us. For same-day or next-day orders, we include the necessary time to assist you in asking the right questions, consolidating documents, and speeding up the process.

Note: Same-day and next-day orders guarantee the processing and completion of documents “ready for UAE” Consulate submission here in NYC.

Disclaimer: Consulate fees for White Plains Apostille & Mobile Notary vary between $499 and $999 depending on the location of the Consulate (e.g., NYC vs. Queens). These fees are always in addition to the Authentication or Apostille fees and expediting fees. We do not offer Consulate service with any of the economy service options; it is only available for our same-day or next-day orders.

Tidbit: Why $544.59? The UAE is the only Consulate that prices everything in “dirham” and then converts the amount.